Doing so will open a list of all of the books, other publications and audiobooks that you’ve bought from Amazon or Audible to use with your Kindle. Once you’ve returned to your Home screen, you should see two words on your Kindle’s display, located directly underneath the home icon in the top left corner of the display: All and Downloaded. To download previously purchased books, audiobooks or periodicals, navigate to your Kindle’s ‘All’ tab. If necessary, navigate to your Kindle’s Home screen, by tapping the top of the device’s display and then tapping the Home icon at the top of the display. To start, turn on or wake your Kindle by pushing its power button or, if it is equipped with a cover, opening the cover. The following directions are also valid if you’d like to download a new book or periodical to read on more than one device or Kindle app, at the same time. If you want to read a book, magazine or other periodical that you previously purchased, your Kindle’s operating system makes doing so easy. To read a book from your existing Kindle Library If you accidentally sent your new purchase to the wrong device or decide that you’d like to read it on multiple devices-your iPhone and your Kindle Paperwhite, for example-move on to the next section of this guide. The book or periodical you just purchased will be sent to the device of your choosing, instantly, via Amazon’s Whispernet. To select the destination device for the new book that you’re about to purchase, click the menu to open it. The ‘Deliver to’ menu lists all of the Kindles and apps associated with your Amazon account.